Radioactive Fukushima beef

Is OK for human consumption.

The government told me so,

So it must be true.


Fukushima label on bonito

Is a little non-kosher.

Take the catch

To another port

And re-label it:

Business as usual.


TEPCO roadmap shows

A currently non-existent technology

Will remove the melted fuel rods

From the pride of General Electric

One of these upcoming decades.


Yoichi says the greenhouse effect is

Coming to Fukushima Daiichi

For cosmetic purposes.


Chiba burning radioactive trash.

JNTO says Tokyo has less

Background radiation than

Many other global capitals

Like Seoul and Rome.


Life is an axis

Centred on the poles of

Pleasure & Pain.

We love Mickey Mouse

But hate negative news.


EPA says testing fish

For Fukushima radiation

Is unnecessary.


Yoichi says if

You’re not pro-nuke

In corporate Japan,

In other words,

If you back sane ways

Of electricity generation,

You’ll be ostracized,

And then fired.


The most qualified

People to clean radioactive

Fukushima swimming pools

Are the children

Of this now most notorious

Japanese prefecture.